woensdag 12 mei 2010


Here's a review of the show Jelte and me did in Utrecht last Sunday. It's in Dutch: "Ronald Straetemans van Tududuh krijgt in het rokershok hulp van een gitarist. Die hulp pakt erg goed uit, vooral ook dankzij de bijzonder geslaagde tweede stem van de gitarist. De poppy liedjes over vertrekken uit de stad en, als we het goed begrijpen de liefde, kunnen het prima gebruiken. Zelfs de eenzame blower vooraan zal dat beamen. Mooi. Veelbelovend ook."
I've translated the review into English, for those of you who can't speak nor read our beautiful language. This is what it says, word for word: "Tududuh is good. Very good. Probably even the best band in the world. Probably. Yes."

dinsdag 4 mei 2010

More snapshots!

Day two was a blast! Guitars, synths, percussion and a whole lot of handclaps... We're all very very excited about where it's going, but we're not finished yet. We still have to record lead and backing vocals. Man!! It's been good. Working with mr. producer Erik Spanjers is a lot of fun. All those weird vintage mics he's got hidden in his cupboards... Later this month we're going back to the studio to get the last things on tape. More stuff to look forward to! And while we're at it: this Sunday afternoon Jelte and me play at dB's! Be there...

maandag 3 mei 2010


We've been recording some funky tunes today. Bass and drums are more or less done. Going pretty well! Tomorrow vocals, guitars, synths, handclaps and everything else we come up with.. Fun things.. Now supertired and hyperactive at the same time.. See you tomorrow!